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July 2020 (and Goodreads Reviews)

Here are the stats for June: 60,975 words written 2 submissions 4 acceptances 2 rejections (maybe 3?) I currently have eight short stories out in the world waiting for a YES or NO. Maybe three rejections because one anthology seems to be in the copywriting process, but I never received a yes or no either which way and communications through social media have been spotty at best. So I've logged it as a rejection with a question mark. Who knows really? The other two rejections were from an anthology that accepted three submissions per author but only one would be accepted for publication: one of mine got accepted and therefore the other two went on the chopping block. Onto the spreadsheet of doom they go! Lots of acceptances this month which was especially good news. My nana passed away about a week ago. I come from a very small family (mother, father, nana) so losing one of them was definitely a blow, even though we'd been expecting her death for a while. She raised me fr

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